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Arab News Kingdom of Bahrain: Tripartite Summit Backs Palestinian Cause

In a significant diplomatic event, His Majesty King Abdullah ibn Al Hussein, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas convened for a tripartite summit in the city of New El Alamein. The core agenda revolved around comprehensive discussions concerning the evolving dynamics of the Palestinian cause.

Echoing their shared commitment, a joint communique emerged as a testament to the summit’s outcomes. The leaders jointly called for a definitive end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian Territories within a stipulated and explicit timeframe, as confirmed by reports from the Jordan News Agency.

Central to their deliberations was the unwavering backing of President Abbas’ relentless endeavors in safeguarding the interests of the Palestinian people and pursuing international protection for them. Both King Abdullah and President El Sisi resolutely reiterated this support.

In unison, the three leaders endorsed the pivotal stance that resolving the Palestinian predicament and achieving a just and all-encompassing peace remains a strategic imperative. They emphasized that this aspiration not only bears regional significance but also fulfills a pressing international need.

The discourse extended to the cherished holy sites in Jerusalem, a subject of immense cultural and religious significance. The leaders collectively decried violations against the historical and legally recognized status quo in the holy city. Their collective voice rallied for an immediate cessation of the recurrent intrusions into Al Aqsa Mosque/Al Haram Al Sharif.

Both the Egyptian and Palestinian presidents highlighted the profound importance of the historic Hashemite Custodianship over Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem. They applauded its enduring role in safeguarding the Arab identity that defines the city’s essence.

Concluding the summit, a mutual agreement emerged to sustain ongoing coordination within the trilateral framework. Their united aim is to not only bolster this specific alliance but to also align with broader frameworks that seek to invigorate international efforts, thus paving the way for the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people to be fulfilled.

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