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Crown Prince and Prime Minister Extends Heartfelt Congratulations to Sultan of Malaysia on Independence Day

On this significant day, His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, serving as both the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, conveyed a heartfelt message of congratulations to His Majesty Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah on the occasion of Malaysia’s Independence Day.

In his message, Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa extended sincere wishes of prosperity and happiness to the Malaysian people, underscoring the deep bonds of friendship and cooperation that unite Bahrain and Malaysia. The Crown Prince and Prime Minister applauded Malaysia’s remarkable achievements in socio-economic development and expressed confidence in the country’s continued growth and success under the wise leadership of His Majesty Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah.

Furthermore, His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa also extended a similar message of congratulations to Malaysia’s Prime Minister, His Excellency Anwar Ibrahim. In this message, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister emphasized the importance of enhancing bilateral ties between Bahrain and Malaysia, both economically and politically, for the mutual benefit of the two friendly nations.

The relationship between Bahrain and Malaysia has consistently been characterized by mutual respect and fruitful cooperation. The two countries have collaborated on various matters of common interest, ranging from trade and investment to cultural and educational cooperation. Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa reiterated Bahrain’s ongoing commitment to strengthening these ties and exploring new avenues of collaboration that would be mutually advantageous.

In conclusion, the warm congratulations conveyed by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa underscore the significance of diplomatic and amicable relations between Bahrain and Malaysia. These messages also reflect the shared vision of the two nations in favor of global peace, prosperity, and development.

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