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Youth Minister Engages with HIPO-Youth Cohort for Meaningful Dialogue

Rawan bint Najeeb Tawfiqi, the Minister of Youth Affairs, recently convened a productive meeting with participants from the fifth batch of the esteemed national leadership initiative, HIPO-Youth.

The HIPO-Youth program, orchestrated through the collaborative efforts of the Institute of Public Administration (BIPA), the Ministry of Youth Affairs, and INJAZ Bahrain, serves as a platform to nurture the burgeoning potential of Bahrain’s youth.

During the interaction, the Minister underscored the pivotal role that Bahraini youth play in propelling the nation’s development trajectory. She emphasized the youth’s capacity to instigate transformative initiatives and youth-focused programs, subsequently elevating the nation’s aspirations.

Dr. Shaikha Rana bint Isa bin Daij Al Khalifa, the Director General of BIPA, elaborated on the significance of the minister’s engagement with the program’s participants, characterizing it as a platform of intergenerational exchange. This meeting serves as a testament to Bahrain’s wealth of youthful dynamism and the emergence of leaders equipped to actively partake in the decision-making landscape.

She highlighted the importance of sharing experiences and practical insights from a select group of government leaders. This mechanism has demonstrated its efficacy in motivating and inspiring Bahraini youth to cultivate their proficiencies and competencies, giving rise to innovative ideas and projects that contribute substantially to realizing national achievements aligned with governmental visions.

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