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Countdown Commences for the Third Nasser Bin Hamad Cycling Tour for Amateurs

Countdown Commences for the Third Nasser Bin Hamad Cycling Tour for Amateurs

The clock is ticking for the eagerly awaited third edition of the Nasser Bin Hamad Cycling Tour for Amateurs, set to commence on Wednesday, November 1st, 2023. The event enjoys the patronage of His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, who holds the distinguished title of His Majesty the King’s Representative for Humanitarian Work and Youth Affairs.

This remarkable tour, organized by Faalyat and generously supported by the Bahrain Cycling Association, aspires to accomplish several noteworthy objectives in its third outing. It aims to cultivate a cycling culture within the community, underscore the positive impact of this sport on public health, expand the ranks of national amateur cyclists, uncover fresh talent, and illuminate the splendid beauty and iconic landmarks of the Kingdom of Bahrain.

The organizing committee, under the guidance of His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, is diligently working to ensure the success of the event and the recognition of young talents, with the goal of integrating them into national teams.

The organizing committee is optimistic that this year’s tour will build on the substantial achievements of its two preceding editions, marked by extensive participation and spirited competition among local amateur cyclists. They extend their best wishes for success to all participants.

Cash prizes amounting to BHD 40,000 will be awarded to the victors, and the four-day event will conclude on Saturday, November 4, 2023. The tour encompasses four distinct stages: a 6 km race, a 55-65 km route, a challenging 140-155 km course, and a 70-80 km race. Additionally, there will be a ladies’ race spanning a distance of 30-40 km.

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