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Vital Development Projects in the Southern Governorate Undergo Inspection

Vital Development Projects in the Southern Governorate Undergo Inspection

Today, Wael bin Nasser Al Mubarak, the Minister of Municipalities Affairs and Agriculture, along with His Highness Shaikh Khalifa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Southern Governor, conducted an inspection of two significant projects in the Southern Governorate: the Riffa Central Market Development Project and the initial phase of the Ain Al Haninia Development Project.

The inspection team included Shaikh Mohammed bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, the Undersecretary for Municipalities Affairs, Mohammed Saad Al Sehli, Acting Director-General of the Southern Area Municipality, Abdulla Ibrahim Abdullatif, Chairman of the Southern Area Municipal Council, and Rawya Al Mannai, Assistant Undersecretary for Joint Municipal Services.

During the inspection, the minister and the governor assessed the progress of the two projects and were briefed on their current status.

Minister Al Mubarak affirmed that the development of central markets will persist due to their vital role in meeting the daily needs of citizens. He highlighted the significance of the Riffa Central Market Development Project within the Southern Governorate and emphasized ongoing efforts to implement development and service projects aligned with the citizens’ expectations.

HH Shaikh Khalifa bin Ali Al Khalifa emphasized the Southern Governorate’s commitment to maintaining direct communication with local citizens to better understand their needs and feedback. This aligns with the directives of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and the oversight of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister. His Highness stressed that monitoring the progress of work at various establishments, service facilities, and projects is aimed at enhancing services for residents and citizens within the Southern Governorate.

During the inspection of the Riffa Central Market, the minister was updated on the project’s advancement, which is set to be inaugurated by year-end. The newly renovated 2361-square-meter Riffa Central Market has undergone improvements to cater to the needs of vendors and visitors.

The minister also received information about the Ain Al Haninia Development Project, covering an area of 7020 square meters. The project is dedicated to preserving Ain Al Haninia, a renowned water source in Bahrain and the Arabian Gulf region.

The Chairman of the Southern Area Municipal Council commended the fruitful collaboration between the local municipal council and the executive branch in carrying out development projects that serve the citizens of the governorate.

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