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Prince Faisal bin Ayaf Witnesses Signing of Four Development Agreements in Riyadh Region

Prince Faisal bin Ayaf Witnesses Signing of Four Development Agreements in Riyadh Region

Prince Faisal bin Ayaf witnessed the signing of four agreements between the Secretariat of the Riyadh Region and various development sectors. This signing took place as part of an effort to enhance cooperation and promote development in the Riyadh Region. The agreements span a wide range of areas, from education to infrastructure, and are aimed at improving the quality of life for the residents of the Riyadh Region.

The signatory parties have committed to working together to achieve development goals and implement key projects that will benefit the local community. These agreements reflect Prince Faisal bin Ayaf’s ongoing dedication to the development of the Riyadh Region and his desire to see the region thrive.

These initiatives aim to strengthen the region’s infrastructure, improve public services, promote education, and stimulate economic growth. They are a step forward in achieving sustainable development goals and contribute to enhancing the quality of life for the population.

Prince Faisal bin Ayaf expressed his satisfaction with the conclusion of these agreements and emphasized the importance of cooperation between the Secretariat of the Riyadh Region and the development sectors. He also reiterated his commitment to the well-being of the region and his willingness to continue efforts to advance it.

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