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His Highness the Amir Arrives in Cairo for the Cairo Peace Summit

His Highness the Amir Arrives in Cairo for the Cairo Peace Summit

Cairo, October 21 – His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, the beloved Amir of the State of Qatar, arrived in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, today, to participate in the upcoming Cairo Peace Summit scheduled for later in the day.

Upon his arrival at Cairo International Airport, His Highness was warmly received by Dr. Khaled Abdulghaffar, the Minister of Health and Population, and Mr. Tariq Ali Al Ansari, the Ambassador of the State of Qatar to the Arab Republic of Egypt, along with the esteemed members of the Qatari Embassy.

His Highness the Amir was accompanied by His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani, the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, along with an official delegation.

The visit of His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani to Cairo underscores the strong and enduring ties between the State of Qatar and the Arab Republic of Egypt. The Cairo Peace Summit is expected to provide an important platform for regional dialogue and cooperation, further promoting peace and stability in the Middle East.

This diplomatic mission highlights Qatar’s commitment to fostering diplomatic relations and working toward collective solutions to regional challenges. As the Cairo Peace Summit gets underway, it is anticipated that meaningful discussions and collaborations will take place to address critical issues and promote harmony in the region.

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