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24 Firms Licensed for Private Enforcement Practice

24 Firms Licensed for Private Enforcement Practice

Nawaf bin Mohammed Al Maawda, the Minister of Justice, Islamic Affairs, and Endowments, welcomed representatives from 24 licensed private enforcement firms who recently swore their oaths after meeting the licensing criteria to serve as private enforcers.

The minister emphasized that granting licenses to this new group of private enforcers will contribute to the improvement of services provided by this critical sector. This initiative aligns with the goal of ensuring access to justice and upholding the principles of sustainability, justice, and competitiveness, as outlined in Bahrain’s Economic Vision 2030.

Minister Al Maawda underscored the significant role of enforcement officers in executing judgments and other executive mandates in accordance with their legal authority. This collaboration with the private sector supports the objectives of the Economic Recovery Plan by increasing the efficiency, effectiveness, and expediency of enforcement procedures and court-related services through clearly defined paths.

The minister also stressed that enforcement officers must maintain accuracy, honesty, and integrity while carrying out their licensed responsibilities. They are expected to protect the confidentiality and dignity of their profession and diligently execute judicial verdicts and orders issued by the enforcement courts to the fullest extent.

In accordance with the law, judgment creditors are required to seek the assistance of private enforcers to complete enforcement procedures related to cases with issued judgments for the seizure of the enforcement debtor’s assets, including real estate, vehicles, personal property, shares, and documents.

Licensed private enforcers may also be requested to perform notification procedures, submit enforcement requests, and monitor the progress of such actions.

The Notary Directorate at the Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs, and Endowments is responsible for administratively overseeing the work of private enforcers to ensure they adhere to their legally mandated duties. This directorate also accepts complaints filed against private enforcers or their representatives.

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