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NIHR Participates in the 7th International Scientific and Practical Conference

NIHR Participates in the 7th International Scientific and Practical Conference

Ali Ahmed Al Derazi, the President of the National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR), took part in the proceedings of the Seventh International Scientific and Practical Conference held in Moscow, Russia. He was invited by the High Commission for Human Rights in the Russian Federation to discuss matters concerning human rights protection and the exchange of Ombudsman best practices.

The conference brought together representatives from various human rights institutions and Ombudsmen to deliberate on subjects related to the safeguarding of human rights and the sharing of expertise and best practices within their respective domains.

During his address, President Al Derazi spoke about the NIHR’s operational mechanisms, the amendments made to its founding legislation, and the role the institution has played in safeguarding human rights in Bahrain. Al Derazi emphasized the NIHR’s dedication to fostering equitable relationships with civil society organizations, promoting a culture rooted in legality and human rights, and continuously enhancing its work and efforts as an independent, impartial, and robust platform for defending human rights in Bahrain.

The conference concluded with the issuance of resolutions and recommendations aimed at enhancing cooperation in the domains of upholding human rights, fundamental freedoms, social justice, and human dignity.

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