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GFG Chairman Meets Turkish Minister of Culture and Tourism

GFG Chairman Meets Turkish Minister of Culture and Tourism

Zayed R. Alzayani, the Chairman of Gulf Air Group Holding (GFG), recently held a meeting with Mehmet Nuri Ersoy, the Turkish Minister of Culture and Tourism. This meeting took place during GFG’s participation in the 28th edition of Routes World 2023, which was hosted by Turkey from October 15 to 17.

During the meeting, Chairman Alzayani emphasized the longstanding and historical Bahraini-Turkish relations.

Representatives from Bahrain Airport Company and Gulf Air were also present at the meeting. The discussions revolved around various topics of mutual interest related to air transportation and explored ways to enhance cooperation. This is in response to the significant increase in air traffic and the influx of tourists between the two countries, driven by the recovery of the tourism industry and business activities. These developments are contributing to the strengthening of bilateral economic relations.

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