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HM King Meets HH Pope

HM King Meets HH Pope

Today, His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa had the privilege of meeting with His Holiness Pope Francis, the leader of the Catholic Church. This meeting took place at His Holiness’ office within the papal headquarters, situated in the Vatican City. The encounter was in honor of His Majesty’s visit to the Vatican.

During their meeting, His Majesty and His Holiness engaged in a profound discussion regarding the strong bilateral relations between Bahrain and the Vatican. They also explored opportunities for collaborative efforts to advance the values of tolerance, coexistence, brotherhood, dialogue, and human fraternity among diverse peoples.

His Majesty King Hamad underlined Bahrain’s deep commitment to strengthening its historical ties with the Vatican, with the shared objective of promoting global peace and stability through the principles of love, harmony, and peace.

In the course of their conversation, His Majesty recalled the memorable visit made by His Holiness Pope Francis to Bahrain. During this visit, Pope Francis participated in the “East and West for Human Coexistence” dialogue, alongside Al Azhar Grand Imam, His Eminence Dr. Ahmed Al Tayeb, and the Chairman of the Muslim Council of Elders.

Expressing his gratitude, His Holiness Pope Francis commended His Majesty King Hamad for his humanitarian initiatives and for Bahrain’s role as a host for global conferences dedicated to dialogue, mutual respect, tolerance, and religious freedom. He also acknowledged His Majesty’s noble efforts for the betterment of all peoples.

His Majesty King Hamad praised the significant role played by His Holiness in fostering dialogue and understanding among different religions, cultures, and civilizations. He emphasized the importance of promoting human fraternity, tolerance, and coexistence.

His Majesty confirmed Bahrain’s continued commitment to being a hub of coexistence for individuals of various faiths, supporting and encouraging respect and the freedom to practice religion. Bahrain’s mosques, churches, and temples stand as symbols of peace and unity, celebrating the nation as a melting pot of diverse cultures.

His Majesty noted with satisfaction the hosting of important events in Bahrain, such as the Islamic-Christian Dialogue Conference in 2002, the Forum for Moderation between Theory and Practice in 2005, and the Forum for Dialogue of Civilizations in 2008. These events aim to enhance the region’s reputation and bring together people from all backgrounds while safeguarding their rights to practice their respective rituals.

The discussions between His Majesty King Hamad and His Holiness Pope Francis also touched on the events in the Middle East. His Majesty praised Pope Francis’ unwavering support for stability, peace, and the protection of civilians, rejecting violence and the targeting of innocent people, all while adhering to international laws and conventions.

His Majesty underscored the critical importance of ensuring regional security and stability to achieve the development and prosperity goals of the countries and peoples in the region.

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