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LMRA Chief Welcomes Indian Ambassador and Highlights Bilateral Cooperation

LMRA Chief Welcomes Indian Ambassador and Highlights Bilateral Cooperation

The Chief Executive Officer of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA), Nibras Talib, who also chairs the National Committee for Combating Trafficking in Persons, recently played host to the Ambassador of the Republic of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain, Vinod Kurian Jacob.

In a cordial meeting, Mr. Talib extended a warm welcome to Ambassador Jacob and expressed his sincere hopes for the successful tenure of the Indian Ambassador in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The discussion between the two officials revolved around the robust ties between their respective countries.

During the meeting, the LMRA CEO underscored the Kingdom’s unwavering commitment to strengthening cooperation and coordination with the Republic of India on a multitude of fronts. Recognizing the importance of fostering collaboration between diplomatic missions and government agencies, he emphasized the critical role they play in enlightening expatriate workers about their rights and responsibilities. The dialogue also touched upon the various regulations and laws that expatriate workers must adhere to while residing and working in Bahrain.

This meeting reflects the ongoing efforts of both Bahrain and India to promote better working conditions and rights for the significant number of Indian expatriate workers in Bahrain. It underlines the commitment to ensuring that these workers are not only aware of their rights but are also safeguarded by the appropriate legal frameworks. Such interactions at the diplomatic level are crucial in nurturing positive relationships and making certain that the rights and well-being of foreign workers are upheld.

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