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BBK Support for the Royal Fund for Fallen Servicemen Applauded

BBK Support for the Royal Fund for Fallen Servicemen Applauded

Shaikh Khalid bin Salman bin Khalid Al Khalifa, the Director of the Royal Fund for Fallen Servicemen, expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait (BBK) for their unwavering support of the Fund.

He lauded BBK, the Fund’s platinum sponsor, for their commitment to fulfilling their social responsibility and their belief in the significance of community engagement. BBK has consistently backed a variety of initiatives and events.

Shaikh Khalid bin Salman also commended the effective roles played by the institutions and companies that have stood by the Fund since its inception. These partnerships, in conjunction with the services provided by governmental entities, have helped fulfill the needs of the families of fallen servicemen.

Dr. Abdulrahman Saif, the Chief Executive Officer of the BBK Group, emphasized BBK’s strong desire to support the noble humanitarian endeavors of the Royal Fund for Fallen Servicemen. He noted that the bank’s support reinforces these endeavors and contributes to the Fund’s overarching objectives.

He expressed his gratitude to those overseeing the Fund for their role in realizing its mission of addressing the needs of the families of fallen servicemen and ensuring that they lead dignified lives, as a gesture of appreciation for their fathers’ ultimate sacrifices in service to their homeland.

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