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Al-Ahsa Governor Patronizes “Rural Saudi” Program Celebration on International Day of Rural Women

In a remarkable show of support for rural women, the Governor of Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia, presided over the festivities marking the International Day of Rural Women as part of the “Rural Saudi” program. The event celebrated the crucial role that women in rural areas play in various aspects of their communities.

The program, known as “Rural Saudi,” aims to empower women living in rural regions by providing them with opportunities for growth, development, and participation in societal activities. The International Day of Rural Women, which falls on October 15th, serves as a global tribute to these women, recognizing their efforts in ensuring the well-being and sustainability of rural areas.

The event, which took place in Al-Ahsa, featured a range of activities designed to showcase the talents and contributions of rural women. Local women had the chance to exhibit their skills, share their stories, and interact with fellow community members and program supporters. Such gatherings not only boost the morale of rural women but also emphasize the importance of their participation in local and regional development.

The Governor’s presence at the celebration exemplified the commitment of Al-Ahsa’s leadership to promoting gender equality and empowering rural women. His patronage highlighted the significance of recognizing rural women’s contributions to sustainable agriculture, food security, and overall rural development.

“Rural Saudi” is a part of the broader national initiative to enhance the status and role of women in Saudi society. This program facilitates access to education, healthcare, and vocational training for women living in remote areas. It also encourages their involvement in decision-making processes that affect their communities.

The International Day of Rural Women serves as a global reminder that rural women, through their unwavering dedication and resilience, are key drivers of progress in their regions. Celebrations like the one held in Al-Ahsa underscore the importance of providing opportunities and support for rural women, ensuring that they have the tools and resources needed to continue making significant contributions to their communities and societies as a whole.

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