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The Bulles Cardin Awards 2024: A Celebration of Environmental Innovation

The 2024 Bulles Cardin Awards ceremony, held on May 17 at Théoule-sur-Mer, was a distinguished event honoring pioneers in environmental sustainability. Rodrigo Basilicati-Cardin, President of the Cardin Group, presided over the event, celebrating the achievements of the award recipients and the lasting influence of Pierre Cardin and the iconic Palais Bulles.

Awarding Excellence in Environmental Protection

SEADS received the Ocean for Our Planet Award for their innovative Blue Barriers technology, which captures plastic waste in rivers before it reaches the ocean. By partnering with local communities, SEADS transforms this waste into valuable resources, fostering economic growth and environmental stewardship.

SPACEMANIC was honored with the Space for Our Planet Award for their WaterCube technology. This underwater satellite, inspired by the Cubesat model, merges space and oceanic technologies, making deep-sea and space observation more accessible. The WaterCube represents a significant advancement in environmental monitoring and scientific exploration.

The Encouragement Award was presented to the NGO CoopeMolusChomes, dedicated to preserving Costa Rica’s mangrove ecosystems. By supporting sustainable and traditional fishing communities, CoopeMolusChomes plays a vital role in maintaining these critical coastal environments while promoting local livelihoods.

The Bulles Cardin Awards 2024 A Celebration of Environmental Innovation

Pierre Cardin’s Vision and the Palais Bulles

The Bulles Cardin Awards reflect the legacy of Pierre Cardin, a visionary designer whose work extended beyond fashion to include groundbreaking architecture and environmental design. The Palais Bulles, an architectural marvel designed by Cardin, stands as a testament to his innovative spirit and commitment to sustainability. With its organic shapes and seamless integration into the surrounding landscape, the Palais Bulles epitomizes Cardin’s vision of creating harmonious and sustainable living spaces.

Distinguished Attendees and Special Recognitions

The 2024 Bulles Cardin Awards were proudly sponsored by Bertrand Piccard, an explorer and environmentalist celebrated for his Solar Impulse project. The event attracted notable figures such as Hervé Derrey, President and CEO of Thales Alenia Space, and Jacques Rougerie, a renowned architect and oceanographer who was honored with a special award. Additionally, Olivier Poivre d’Arvor, France’s Ambassador for the Poles and Presidential Delegate for the 2025 United Nations Ocean Conference, attended, enhancing the ceremony’s prestige.

Paving the Way for Future Innovations

The Bulles Cardin Awards underscore the critical role of innovation in tackling global environmental challenges. The achievements of SEADS, SPACEMANIC, and CoopeMolusChomes highlight the potential for technological advancements and community collaboration to create sustainable solutions. As we move forward, the legacy of Pierre Cardin and the inspiration of the Palais Bulles will continue to drive and inspire efforts to protect our planet.


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