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In a celebration of a film that embodies humanistic values, the Citizenship Prize for 2024 was bestowed upon Andrea Arnold’s “Bird”.

Just hours before the full unveiling of the Cannes Film Festival 2024’s official awards, another parallel accolade was announced today: the Citizenship Prize. For the sixth consecutive year, this award has recognized a film from the official competition for its artistic merits and its embodiment of humanism, secularism, and universalism.

This year, under the presidency of French director Valérie Donzelli, the jury comprised French actress Agathe Bonitzer, RFI’s culture service head Isabelle Chenu, German director Claus Drexel, and Belgian filmmaker and writer Frederic Sojcher.

The jury unanimously awarded the 2024 Citizenship Prize to “Bird” by British filmmaker Andrea Arnold, declaring: “A cinematic gesture infused with poetry, humanism, and a punk energy that elevates individuals to the beauty and love of one another. ‘Bird’ is a film propelled by the grace of its director and its actors.”

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