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France Minister for Foreign Affairs Commends IAEA Work on Iran and Ukraine

France Minister for Foreign Affairs Commends IAEA Work on Iran and Ukraine

Interview with the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA): Catherine Colonna, the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, commends the agency’s work on Iran and Ukraine.

Catherine Colonna, the French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, recently expressed her views on the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) efforts concerning Iran and Ukraine. In the interview, she highlighted two key points:

  1. Full Cooperation from Iran: Colonna emphasized the need for Iran to cooperate fully. This aligns with the statement issued by the European Troika, consisting of France, Germany, and the United Kingdom, underlining the importance of Iran’s complete cooperation regarding its nuclear activities.
  2. Support for IAEA: The Minister also expressed strong support for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This backing is crucial for the IAEA’s efforts to reduce nuclear risks in Zaporizhia, a region that is currently under illegal occupation by Russia. The IAEA plays a vital role in monitoring and ensuring the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and Catherine Colonna’s endorsement signifies France’s commitment to international nuclear safety.

The interview sheds light on the ongoing concerns surrounding nuclear issues in these regions and underscores the importance of international cooperation and support for the IAEA in maintaining nuclear security.

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