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Supreme Council for Planning: Kuwait First Country to Join BRI

Supreme Council for Planning: Kuwait First Country to Join BRI

Dr. Khaled Mahdi, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for Planning and Development, announced on Thursday that Kuwait is committed to supporting the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and proudly stands as one of the earliest Middle Eastern countries to join this initiative. Kuwait’s commitment to the BRI aligns with its ambitious Kuwait Vision 2035, a comprehensive plan aimed at enhancing its logistical infrastructure.

As part of this endeavor, Kuwait is dedicated to developing the Northern Economic Zone and establishing Silk City and Kuwaiti islands. Dr. Khaled Mahdi conveyed this message during his address at the third high-level BRI forum in Beijing, China.

He emphasized the striking alignment between the core principles of the BRI and Kuwait Vision 2035, stating that this harmony is a crucial element for the success of participating nations. Among the top priorities is the development of essential infrastructure to facilitate communication and connectivity between the economies of participating countries, which is pivotal in realizing the BRI’s noble objectives.

Dr. Khaled Mahdi highlighted that this development hinges on various foundations, including investments in air, land, and sea transportation infrastructure in participating nations. These investments aim to promote trade exchanges, foster collaborative investments, and support national development plans. Furthermore, it involves the exchange of knowledge and experiences in the domains of innovation, creativity, and economics.

He further explained that these foundations were established during the meeting between His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and Chinese President Xi Jinping in September, resulting in the signing of seven significant agreements. These agreements cover the development of marine and land infrastructure, renewable energy, waste management, green economy, and circular carbon economy, solidifying Kuwait’s commitment to the BRI’s mission.

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