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The Mayor’s New Year’s Wishes Ceremony in Nice 2024: An Evening of Hope and Commitment

As January unfolds, numerous New Year’s Wishes ceremonies are taking place across cities, providing a platform for reflections on the past year and outlining ambitious plans for the coming one. Our editorial team had the privilege of attending the significant event that was the New Year’s Wishes of the City of Nice, delivered by Mayor Estrosi at the Nice Opera, a true cultural gem.

The past year was marked by powerful and cultural moments, highlighted by memorable concerts at the Allianz Riviera stadium featuring performances by Polnareff, Sardou, and The Weeknd. The Cinéroman festival and major exhibitions dedicated to renowned artists like Ben and Matisse have enriched Nice’s cultural scene. Living with and through culture has become an art of life in Nice, a hub of creativity where the crucial role of culture in the city is emphasized.

The diversity of the territory is represented by numerous personalities from public, economic, religious, and institutional spheres. A heartfelt tribute was paid to the dedicated public service workers, underscoring the determination to combat antisemitism.

Mayor Estrosi addressed the impact of illegal immigration on the region and called for an increase in accommodation capacities for those in need, facing concerning inflation. Storm Aline devastated new areas of St Martin Vesubie and its mountains, highlighting the challenges posed by climate change.

The serious issue of climate change, exemplified by the 5-degree increase in the Mediterranean, was addressed, reflecting global turbulence. Mayor Estrosi called for instilling confidence, rallying forces, ensuring security, and promoting a positive vision of the future for Nice.

Determination to face economic challenges together was emphasized, with a call for a sense of duty, solidarity, and benevolence towards the various actors in society.

The evening concluded with operatic notes, including performances from La Traviata, infused with calm, serenity, and benevolence. Mayor Estrosi, a free man, spoke with heart and determination, acknowledging the new Minister of Culture, Rachida Dati, for her courage and determination.

The need for decentralization legislation was mentioned, recognizing the democratic fatigue generated by the parliament. Nice holds a unique position in France, attracting prestigious educational institutions, renowned palaces, and major airlines.

With 2024 shaping up to be a pivotal year, the Metropolis of Nice is gearing up for significant events such as the Tour de France, Olympic Games events, and the 3rd summit on the ocean in 2025. Mayor Estrosi concluded by calling on everyone to be active participants in this dynamic and promising territory.

Together, Nice is poised to write a new chapter in its history, filled with memorable events and citizen engagement.

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