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Culture News Kingdom of Bahrain archaeological discoveries Al-Abla

The Saudi Heritage Commission has revealed significant findings at the Al-Abla excavation site in the Asir region during its seventh round of archaeological exploration.

As reported by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA), these recent discoveries build upon the findings of the previous six seasons, shedding further light on the historical significance of Al-Abla.

Among the new revelations are the identification of architectural elements within residential and industrial structures. These structures boast walls and floors coated with gypsum, showcasing intricate craftsmanship. This exploration has underscored Al-Abla’s status as a vital historical mining hub in the southern reaches of the Kingdom.

The research team also stumbled upon ingeniously designed water reservoirs positioned beneath these architectural marvels. These reservoirs were ingeniously constructed to capture and conserve rainwater. The method involved designing roofs to channel rainwater through gypsum-lined or pottery conduits, directing it beneath the rooms for later utilization.

In addition to these architectural marvels, the seventh season’s discoveries encompass oval-shaped water basins equipped with internal insulating materials. Alongside these, the team unearthed pottery stoves, revealing insights into the daily lives and practices of the inhabitants.

The excavation yielded an array of artifacts, including hammerstones, grinders, and sets of quern stones, each exhibiting diverse sizes and shapes. Fragments of pottery, both glazed and unglazed, were also unearthed, along with remnants of bodies, rims, and handles of vessels crafted from pottery and steatite stone.

However, the crown jewels of this archaeological venture were the delicate glass vials, metal fragments, sections of bronze vessels, and an assortment of rings and beads crafted from ivory and precious stones. These treasures provide a captivating glimpse into the artistic and material sophistication of the past.

In essence, the recent discoveries at Al-Abla exemplify the tireless efforts of the Saudi Heritage Commission to unravel the mysteries of the past. These findings not only enrich our understanding of the region’s history but also underscore the immense cultural significance of this archaeological site.

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