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Varieties News Kingdom of Bahrain: Taif Farmers Thrive with Rare Pepino Fruit Cultivation

Cultivation of Rare Pepino Fruit Flourishes Among Taif Farmers

Within Taif province, a group of innovative farmers has embraced the cultivation of uncommon plant varieties, notably the pepino dulce fruit. Originating from South America, this evergreen shrub bears a delectable sweetness akin to the flavors of mangos and melons. Recognized for its impressive yield, the pepino plant showcases resilience against salinity and adapts well to diverse soil compositions.

Nayef Al-Maliki, an agricultural enthusiast drawn to exceptional crops, shared insights with the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) regarding the pepino (solanum muricatum). Originally hailing from the tropical landscapes of Chile and Peru, this tropical treasure thrives in humid, high-altitude regions. However, it has proven amenable to flourishing in low subtropical zones and environments with temperatures ranging between 15°C to 25°C. Impressively, it can withstand heat levels of up to 30°C.

Al-Maliki elaborated that the pepino fruit, a perennial member of the Solanaceae family, boasts a fragrant sweetness. His dedicated year-long experimentation culminated in the successful cultivation of this exotic delight within Taif.

According to Al-Maliki, the harvest season commences roughly three months after planting, with fruits maturing four to six months post-planting. The duration of the harvest period varies due to a constellation of factors, including soil composition, sowing timing, meteorological conditions, as well as the prevalence of diseases and insect infestations.

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