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Arab News Kingdom of Bahrain: Unveiling the First Arab Media Negotiation Team Meeting

The Kingdom of Jordan is poised to serve as the host for a momentous event, marking the commencement of the Arab technical team’s maiden gathering. Convened under the directive of the Ministry of Government Communication, this pivotal assembly is scheduled for Tuesday.

As reported by the reputable Jordan News Agency, Petra, the proceedings spanning two days will be inaugurated by Faisal Shboul, Minister of Government Communication and government spokesperson. The distinguished presence of Ambassador Ahmed Rashid Khattabi, Assistant Secretary-General and Supervisor of the Media and Communication Sector at the Arab League, will grace the event’s inauguration.

The paramount agenda before the esteemed team revolves around formulating effective negotiation strategies tailored for interactions with international media corporations. The discussions will encompass an array of facets, ranging from delineating conditions and regulations, emanating from the cohesive Arab strategy governing engagements with global media entities, to the formulation of a comprehensive Arab framework for overseeing social media platforms and conduits. Additionally, this assembly will delve into the orchestration of operational guidelines for digital broadcasting platforms, as well as the multifaceted realm of digital taxes.

This assembly of the Arab team finds its genesis in the decision charted during the fifty-third regular session of the Council of Arab Ministers of Information, held in Morocco. Herein, a resolute resolution (No. 533) was embraced, endorsing the Jordanian proposition to forge a unified Arab strategy, designed specifically to address interactions with international media conglomerates. The culmination of this resolution resulted in the establishment of an Arab technical delegation entrusted with negotiating with these corporate entities. Notably, Jordan takes the helm of this consortium, with membership drawn from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Iraq, the Technical Secretariat of the Council of Arab Information Ministers, and the Arab States Broadcasting Union.

At its core, the Arab strategy strives for the elevation of Arab-centric content and the steadfast defense of critical Arab and Islamic issues. Foremost among these is the resolute defense against negative propaganda and Islamophobia, along with the safeguarding of vulnerable segments like children and youth from pernicious content. An uncompromising stance against hate speech, misinformation, and violations of privacy also finds prominence. Additionally, the strategy endeavors to preserve the equitable participation of media within the advertising domain, a realm that has been increasingly dominated by social media platforms.

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