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The Education Ministry took part in the Regional Dialogue Forum addressing The Future of Education and Human Rights: Toward a New Social Contract.

The Education Ministry took part in the Regional Dialogue Forum addressing The Future of Education and Human Rights: Toward a New Social Contract.

This forum was orchestrated by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, in collaboration with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and took place in Cairo, Egypt. It brought together representatives from 22 Arab nations.

The event, designed to foster regional discussions on human rights education, coincided with the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 30th anniversary of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action. Its primary objective was to showcase exemplary practices in the realm of human rights education.

Fatima Adel Sanad, a specialist at the Education for Citizenship Unit within the Education Ministry’s Curriculum Development and Policies Directorate, delivered a presentation on the Kingdom’s efforts in citizenship education and the promotion of a culture of human rights throughout the educational system. She emphasized the Kingdom’s commitment to this endeavor, as reflected in national laws and regulations, and provided an overview of the new and enhanced curricula that have been implemented in schools.

Furthermore, she shed light on a school-based project aimed at advancing citizenship and human rights and offered recommendations concerning the future of human rights education in the Arab region, drawing from Bahrain’s experiences.

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