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Delegates Explore Bahrain Open Prisons Complex During Ombudsman Conference

Delegates Explore Bahrain Open Prisons Complex During Ombudsman Conference

Delegates participating in the Ombudsman Bahrain Conference today had the unique opportunity to explore the open prisons complex, accompanied by Ombudswoman Ghada Hameed Habeeb. This visit provided valuable insights into Bahrain’s approach to criminal justice and human rights.

Captain Jassim Jabr Al Dossary, the Director of Alternative Sentences at the Interior Ministry, took the delegates on a guided tour of the open prisons complex. During the tour, he elaborated on the complex’s core objectives and the wide range of programs it offers. The open prisons complex plays a crucial role in advancing the development of Bahrain’s criminal justice system while simultaneously bolstering national efforts to promote and protect human rights.

The visit underscored the commitment of the Bahrain Ombudsman Conference to fostering transparency, accountability, and the protection of human rights within the country’s legal and penal systems. By engaging with experts and officials on the ground, delegates gained a deeper understanding of the initiatives and strategies that Bahrain is employing to ensure a fair and just criminal justice framework, with a strong emphasis on upholding human rights for all individuals within its borders.

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