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OIC Secretary-General Receives Credentials from Bahrain Permanent Representative

OIC Secretary-General Receives Credentials from Bahrain Permanent Representative

Hissein Brahim Taha, the Secretary-General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), welcomed Shaikh Ali bin Abdulrahman Al Khalifa, the Bahraini Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, who formally presented his credentials as Bahrain’s Permanent Representative to the OIC in Jeddah today.

During the meeting, the ambassador conveyed the warm regards of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa to the Secretary-General and lauded the OIC’s diligent efforts in advancing collaborative Islamic initiatives across various fronts.

Shaikh Ali underscored the Kingdom earnest commitment to continued cooperation with the OIC.

The Secretary-General expressed his admiration for the pivotal role played by Bahrain under the leadership of His Majesty the King in further strengthening cooperation among OIC member states. He also extended his best wishes to Shaikh Ali for a successful tenure in carrying out his responsibilities.

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