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Dr. Shaikh Abdulla Al Khalifa Highlights Bahrain Peaceful Coexistence Initiatives at Religious Leaders Congress

Dr. Shaikh Abdulla Al Khalifa Highlights Bahrain Peaceful Coexistence Initiatives at Religious Leaders Congress

Dr. Shaikh Abdulla bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the King Hamad Global Centre for Peaceful Coexistence, took part in the 21st Session of the Secretariat of the Congress of the Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, held in Kazakhstan.

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa’s humanitarian approach is grounded in the promotion of peaceful coexistence and human fraternity, which solidifies Bahrain’s position as a beacon for peace, dialogue, openness, and tolerance, according to Dr. Shaikh Abdulla. He emphasized the significance of the “Declaration of the Kingdom of Bahrain” as a global document championing religious freedoms and highlighted Bahrain’s role as host to numerous international conferences and events, including the Bahrain Dialogue Forum East and West for Human Coexistence.

The Chairman commended the strong bonds between Bahrain and Kazakhstan, noting their commitment to civility, dialogue, coexistence, and the pursuit of global security and prosperity.

Dr. Shaikh Abdulla underlined the detrimental impact of cognitive ignorance, which fuels extremism and violence, while promoting tolerance as a means to enhance religious freedom and harmony. He stated that Bahrain accommodates mosques, churches, temples, and various places of worship in a harmonious manner.

Dr. Shaikh Abdulla stressed that global issues are exacerbated by a continuing crisis of trust, leading to a surge in calls for intolerance, racism, and hatred, thereby impeding the pursuit of effective solutions.

The Chairman pointed out that religions preach tolerance, empathy, and equality, emphasizing the responsibility of religious leaders to promote awareness and mutual respect.

The King Hamad Global Center for Peaceful Coexistence is dedicated to advancing moderation, understanding, and trust among cultures, adhering to international principles and moral values.

He reiterated His Majesty the King’s call for the establishment of an international agreement to criminalize hate speech and prevent the abuse of freedoms and media platforms for the dissemination of religious hatred or incitement to extremism. He urged joint efforts to construct a safer, more peaceful, and prosperous world.

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