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Varieties News Kingdom of Bahrain: China Launches Gaofen-12 04 Earth Observation Satellite

China Successfully Deploys Latest Earth Observation Satellite via Rocket Launch

China’s unceasing progress in space exploration continues with the triumphant launch of a new Earth observation satellite from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the country’s northwest region.

According to reports from the Chinese News Agency (Xinhua), the Gaofen-12 04 satellite was successfully propelled into space via a Long March-4C carrier rocket at precisely 1:45 am (Beijing Time) on Monday.

Having smoothly transitioned into its intended orbit, this advanced satellite will serve diverse purposes across numerous domains. Its applications encompass crucial areas such as land surveys, urban planning, road network optimization, crop yield assessment, and disaster relief efforts.

This event marks the 484th flight mission undertaken within the Long March series of carrier rockets, underscoring China’s steadfast commitment to space exploration and technological advancement.

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